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real meal healthy meal plans
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Every moment deserves a real meal

Our meal plans are packed with goodness and love! They are crafted by top industry chefs and customized just for you.

We are committed to transforming the way you eat and live.

Our healthy meal plans go beyond just providing nourishment; they are a personalized journey towards a healthier, happier you. With a focus on fresh, nutrient-rich ingredients, expert culinary craftsmanship, and a variety of delicious options, our meal plans make healthy eating easy, enjoyable, and sustainable. We save you time and effort in meal preparation, offer flexibility to accommodate your lifestyle, and ensure that every bite contributes to your overall well-being.

Experience the convenience, joy, and long-term benefits of a healthier life with real meal.

How It Works

Select plan type and frequency of meal deliveries.


Create a profile, add delivery details, checkout and earn loyalty points.


Download our app, manage your subscription and enjoy our healthy and tasty meals.


Meal Plans

Pick your meal plan

real meal weight loss plan
Starting AED 106 | Per Day

real meal plans are bursting with flavor and enjoyment, but portion controlled so you can lose body-fat and get healthier. Our Weight loss plan will put you on calorie deficit and help you achieve your goals.

lean lifestyle meal plan
Starting AED 120 | Per Day

The lean lifestyle real meal plan is a dynamic path to weight loss, featuring nourishing foods like lean proteins, vibrant veggies, and wholesome grains. It's about mindful eating and portion control, empowering you to make healthier choices daily.

healthy balanced meal plan by real meal
Starting AED 140 | Per Day

A daily surprise menu that is delicious, healthy & balanced without removing any food groups. A food plan for foodies and perfect to maintain your weight.

power up meal plan by real meal
Starting AED 164 | Per Day

Double protein plan (1.8-2g protein per kg of body weight) specifically designed for fitness enthusiasts! This plan is perfect for people who wants to gain weight or increase your muscle percentage

customized meal plans by real meal

Customized Meal Plans

This customized meal plan service is designed to help you achieve your health and fitness goals by providing personalized meal plans that consider your unique needs and preferences.

Top picks from our kitchen

Meals Plans are delivered chilled and professionally prepped to be heated and consumed within minutes!

Client Reviews

"real meal's meal plans have helped me establish a healthy relationship with food. I no longer stress about meal planning or counting calories because they have taken care of everything."

Maria Almeida

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